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There's something so beautiful about mornings. As a Pastor, I've had my fair share of early mornings – some are rushed and crazy, while others are quiet, marked by a cup of coffee and a time of prayer. It’s in these quiet moments that I often feel God reminding me of a simple yet profound truth: His mercies are new every morning.
Every single day, God offers us a fresh start, a new chapter of grace, forgiveness, and unconditional love.
We might feel weighed down by yesterday’s mistakes or today’s challenges, but each morning, we’re reminded that God’s mercies don’t run dry. They are endless, just like His love for us. We serve a God who blesses us daily – and our response? A heart of worship. Let’s explore what it looks like to embrace a life of worship and thanksgiving, even when we don’t feel like it, and to offer a sacrifice of praise, especially on the hardest days.
Worshiping God daily isn’t always easy, and as much as I’d love to say that every day I’m leaping out of bed ready to praise, the truth is, life can weigh on us. I remember a time when I was set to lead worship after an exceptionally challenging week. Everything seemed to be going wrong. But as I stepped on that platform, guitar in hand, I had to make a choice to either let my frustration hold me back or to let my praise rise above it.
I had a morning recently where, as soon as the service was over, my first thought was, “That was rough!” As I silently kicked myself on the way out of church, a man stopped me and told me he’d been so blessed by the worship ministry. In my head, I thought, “You mean that mess we just did?” But God quickly reminded me that, even though there were challenges beneath the surface, He rewards our obedience to push through and worship, no matter what’s going on around us.
Sometimes we’re tempted to let our feelings dictate our actions. If we don’t feel like worshiping, we may think God will understand if we back out. But imagine if we lived our whole lives by feelings alone. There would be days we’d never get out of bed, never show up to work, never make time for family and friends. If we’re willing to push through feelings in other areas of life, shouldn’t we do the same for our Creator, who is faithful to us every day?
The apostle Paul reminds us in 1 Thessalonians 5:18 to “give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” It’s so powerful to understand that God’s will for us includes a life of thankfulness, regardless of what we face. Notice Paul doesn’t say to give thanks for all things but in all things. This slight difference speaks volumes. God doesn’t send bad things our way, but He asks us to maintain a grateful heart, trusting that He is at work even in difficult seasons.
Living a Life of Thankfulness
Did you know that God commands us to give thanks 34 times in the Bible? The fact that this instruction is repeated so often speaks to its importance in our spiritual lives. Thankfulness is the foundation of worship. To give thanks, we must first have thanks – a heart that recognizes all the blessings we’ve received and turns them back to God in praise.
When we approach worship from a place of gratitude, it transforms not only our relationship with God but also how we interact with others. Thankfulness produces a spirit of humility, joy, and peace. In contrast, a thankless heart often harbors frustration, bitterness, and resentment. Living with thankfulness is a choice, one we have to make repeatedly, especially in the face of hardship.
As Lamentations 3:22-24 reminds us, “It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.” This passage is a call to remember that no matter what we go through, God’s faithfulness and mercy are a constant. His love does not waver. Our hope can be firmly planted in Him because His goodness is unwavering, even when life is anything but.
In my world, supporting myself as a pastor has always been challenging. I’m grateful that my church can support me, but it’s rarely enough to live modestly in our area. Things are very expensive here, especially housing. Because of this, I’ve always had a second, third, and sometimes even a fourth job in the wings. I can’t really work a structured 9-to-5 job because I need the flexibility for ministry.
Many times, I’ve come to God and asked, “Why is my storehouse empty?”
In those moments, He reminds me that He is my provider, and I shouldn’t focus on what I don’t have but rather on what I do have and the mission He’s given me. God has always met our needs, no matter what is going on around us. We’ve been through some very trying financial times, yet God has always met us and provided for us.
I’m reminded that my heavenly Father loves me and cares for me. No matter what my storehouse looks like, He’s the one ensuring we are fed and able to do the work He’s set before us.
How to Cultivate Thankfulness
Living a life of thankfulness doesn’t happen by accident. It requires intentionality and commitment. Here are a few ways to help develop a thankful heart that leads to genuine worship.
Start with a Gratitude List: Sometimes, it’s easy to get lost in all that’s wrong in our lives. When that happens, I challenge you to start listing everything you’re thankful for. It could be as simple as a good cup of coffee, a sunny day, or the kindness of a stranger. Over time, your list will grow, and you’ll find your heart naturally becoming more grateful. It’s hard to stay in a negative mindset when you’re counting blessings.
Praise God for His Faithfulness in the Past: We tend to forget what God has already done for us when we’re facing new challenges. Make it a habit to look back and praise Him for past victories. It strengthens our faith, reminding us that if He was faithful then, He will be faithful now.
Choose Worship Over Worry: When life throws us curveballs, our natural instinct might be to worry. Instead, let’s choose worship. This is where real faith is born. Praising God even when things are uncertain is a powerful act of trust. As Romans 8:28 says, “We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” God doesn’t waste our struggles. He’s working all things together for our good.
How can we live out thankfulness?
Start each day by thanking God for something new. Before you get out of bed, let the first words of your heart be gratitude.
Pray that God would open your eyes to His blessings. Each day, ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the ways God is working in your life. Sometimes we’re too distracted to notice His hand at work, but He is there, faithfully guiding us.
Make thankfulness a habit in every situation. When things are going well, praise God. When they’re not, thank Him in faith, trusting that He is working even when we can’t see it. It’s a way of aligning our hearts with His will.
There’s something undeniably powerful about a thankful heart. Thankfulness lifts us above our circumstances, reminds us of God’s sovereignty, and aligns us with His will. Living a life of worship means choosing gratitude daily, trusting in God’s goodness, and allowing His mercies to fill us anew every morning.
In every moment, let’s be people who bless the Lord, who worship with thankful hearts, and who reflect His love and faithfulness to a world in desperate need of hope. Let’s live in His joy, walking forward with a spirit of thankfulness, even when life gets hard.
Thankfulness doesn’t just change our perspective; it changes our hearts. And when we choose to live with a grateful heart, we become vessels of God’s love, joy, and peace – ready to worship Him with all that we are.
I’d love to hear your thoughts on this topic. Please leave me a comment below.
I am a morning person so I am always up for the sunrise and I think it's important to remember who makes that sun rise each morning and every day we can start fresh. Good article.
Well-said ! Amen !